Wow! It is officially here. I am very excited to announce my move to Europe. This has been a dream of mine for seven years now. Throughout my journey, I will be sharing my entire journey: my life abroad, all of the new things that come with moving internationally, the differences in European and American culture, the graduate school experience abroad, and so much more. I am moving to Europe as a first time Expat. I have Chosen Ljubljana, Slovenia for so many reasons, and I really break down in the video many of the reasons I chose this small unique country. Slovenia has so much to offer, and throughout my journey I will do my best to capture all that this country has to offer. Join me on my journey! Please follow the Linktree or my direct links below to keep up with my journey. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I picked up my life and moved to Europe. This video is dedicated to capturing how I packed to move to Europe, my travel to Europe, and my first experiences as an expat in Slovenian. I share a bit of my first experience of the lifestyle in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a bit of my first impressions. As a first time Expat, this video is dedicated to my initial experiences of living in Europe for the first time as an American expat. Moving to Europe is such a new and exciting experience, and this is just the beginning of my journey. Together we will experience all of the firsts of an American living in Europe. I hope you enjoy. Please follow along with my journey. Cheers!
My first week after moving to Ljubljana, Slovenia was full of great food, great conversation, and a whole lot of figuring things out. I am officially moved into my flat in Europe. It is still hard to believe it is finally here. I have experienced numerous cultural differences, which I will happily share in the near future. Ljubljana has had very tumultuous weather since I arrived, but with the mix in temperatures and rain I have found it to be quite nice. I moved into my apartment, and I am thrilled with the unit and the location. My walk to the campus for my studies is a bit far clocking in at 30 minutes by foot. By bike the commute is much quicker, and it takes me only around 10 minutes. However, due to ever changing weather. I'm never truly sure what I'm going to get. I have several video ideas in the que including What makes Ljubljana, Slovenia, so special, How is the food in Ljubljana, A day in the life of an international master's student, among many others. My goal with this platform is to give you a genuine insight to the sights and sounds of the city. I want to share the real good, bad, ugly, and amazing things that make this city what it truly is. Thanks for tuning in! Cheers!
I hiked Šmarna Gora. Šmarna Gora is the closest hike nearest to Ljubljana, Slovenia. From the top, you can see the entire Ljubljana Basin as well as the surrounding mountain ranges and the Julian Alps. My friend and I tried to make the sunrise, but we missed it by about ten minutes. The hill itself is full of history, and the Catholic Church on top is a great representative of many of the Catholic churches in throughout the country. Slovenia is considered to be one of the greenest countries in the world, and this hike completed encompassed this fact. It was technically my first hike as a local to Slovenia. Every week I am more and more impressed with the hidden beauty that is Slovenia. Ljubljana has been absolutely wonderful.
This was an amazing visit. I toured Postojnska Jama. Postojnska Jama is a highly toured cave in the Postojna Region of Slovenia. It is about a forty minute drive out of Ljubljana, Slovenia. This cave was full of incredible stalagmites and stalactites. My favorite part of the experience was the train ride. During the ride into the cave, you see much of the cave at an accelerated pace which is very nice. The baby dragons were interesting little creatures. They remind me of a salamander, but it is very cool to see a creature that is only native to this small part of the world. I wasn't allowed to photo or video the baby dragon, but I think I break down the look pretty well in the video. Last week, I visited Šmarna Gora and had an amazing hike. I really enjoyed making the video for that hike as well. Šmarna Gora is great, because it is just outside of the city of Ljubjana, so it is quite convenient for everyone to visit the greenery of Slovenia. I also mentioned in the video my tour of Predjama Castle.
What an amazing visit this was to Pedjama Castle. This castle cave about an hour from Ljubljana, Slovenia was amazing. In the first video, I focused on Postojnska Jama, which is a highly visited cave in Slovenia. Their are many ticket packages to purchase a Postojnska Jama Park, but the most common option is Postojnska Jama and Prejama Castle. This is the selection we chose. The castle was amazing. I enjoyed every moment of this castle tour. Inside we saw all of the medieval weapons including swords, axes, and cannons from the time. It was also so cool to see how the nobles lived. The castle without electricity would have been incredibly cold and dark. I hope you enjoyed this video, and if you travel to Slovenia. I definitely recommend Predjama Castle. If you enjoyed the video, please like, subscribe, and share it with a friend!
This week I chose to dive into the Cuisine scene in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I didn't have the most traditional foods, but I did try a few of the local favorites. This video stands as more of a what I would eat in a day in Slovenia type video. The day always starts with a coffee and some form of pastry. Lunch is normally something quick like a grab and go sandwich or in my case a slice of pizza. Dinner/Supper is always something more filling and typical more traditional. I had a Jufka, which is actually a Turkish dish, but it is new to me so it fits. Almost all of the food I have had in Slovenia is great. There are a few traditional dishes that I really enjoy that I wasn't able to get into this video, but I will include them in the future. I did include the cost of eating the food in Slovenia as well. Overall, the food is very affordable. The day I filmed this video the weather was absolutely perfect. I even took a mid afternoon break and strolled to Tivoli Park where I walked to the top of the hill to find a hidden gym in the forest. There have been so many oh wow moments since I have moved here, and this video captures a lot of those. The food in Ljubljana, Slovenia is wonderful. I have spent my first month here trying ever food in sight, and I have really come to like it. If you come to Slovenia make sure to try the foods in this video. I know you will enjoy them. Cheers to Slovenia!
In this Video, I recap my first month in Europe living as an American Expat. I focus on a lot of the practical details on living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I touch on the transportation in across the city of Ljubljana. I discuss my experience riding Bikes in the city, taking the bus, and walking around the city. Ljubljana is such a small and quaint city that it is very easy to walk around the entire city. It has such an amazingly relaxed and slow pace. It is amazing. The Pace of Life in Ljubljana, Slovenia is amazing. I talk in the video about many of the special things that make Ljubljana so comfortable. I also discuss who Slovenian people are from my experience. I have met many Slovenian people now, and I think I have a good sense of the type of people they are. In general, they are a lot more direct than the average American. However, they don't openly speak their mind like Americans but rather are only prompted into discussion if asked. In the video, I also speak on the language barrier here in Ljubljana. From my experience, I haven't had many issues having conversation or asking for direction and guidance at times. Everyone here, except for some elderly people, speak English very well. You shouldn't have any issues communicating with Slovenians if you are a native English speaker. Ljubljana, Slovenia is located in such an amazing part of Europe. From Ljubljana you are only a short drive from dozens of major cities around Europe including Venice, Italy, Zagreb, Croatia, Budapest, Hungary, Vienna, Austria, and Munich, Germany. Slovenia is a predominantly Roman Catholic country. On practically every hilltop you will find a Roman Catholic Church. As a Roman Catholic myself, Slovenia has been a very comfortable place to continue to practice my Christian values. Finally, I spoke about the prices of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana is an incredibly affordable city. A very nice meal for two runs only about forty Euros, which is a wonderful price. #slovenia #ljubljana #american #expatlife #easterneurope
A couple of weeks ago I released a Slovenian Food video showing some of the food I would eat in a day in Slovenia. I had an overwhelming amount of comments suggesting that I try traditional Slovenian food so that it was I did. I visited several restaurants and pastry shops across Ljubljana, Slovenia, and I found a few of the traditional Slovenian food dishes including: Štruklji, Potica, Premurska Gibanica, and Jota. Since, I have been in Slovenia I have absolutely loved the food. The traditional food of Slovenia was no different. Of all the items that I tried, the Jota on the cold day was easily my favorite. It was quite filling, and the taste was wonderful. There was sausage and sauerkraut. It was absolutely wonderful. As far as the other dishes go, it still blows me away how a dessert here can be so unsweet. As an American expat, my expectations for dessert still haven't changed, and due to this every time I try a new dessert here I feel a bit underwhelmed. I simply think it is due to the fact that Slovenian dishes do not include an abundance of sugar like the American desserts. I think once I travel to America again I'll have a culinary shock. Overall Slovenian food is delicious. I would consider myself more of a meat and potatoes kind of guy, and I think that is what Slovenian food is all about. I absolutely adore vegetables, and the Slovenian's are no different. Every dish is served with a beautiful display of vegetables. Often root vegetables like potatoes, but as I said above I believe I will like most traditional Slovenian food as it generally fits into the type of food I like to eat. Of the desserts, I the Premurska Gibanica was definitely my favorite. I think it was a combination of the fact that is was served hot and almost melted my mouth. It reminded of childhood when I would rush to eat the baked good that just came out of the oven. As an American Expat living in Europe specifically Slovenia, I have been very comfortable with the food thus far. Often times, you hear Americans complaining about the food in Europe, but to me this honestly makes no sense. I genuinely enjoy the tender loving care that goes into all foods here. Again, it reminds me of childhood and all of the family gatherings we had to celebrate the holidays. As I was roaming the city for this video, I noticed that the Christmas trees in Ljubljana are popping up everywhere. The Christmas season in Slovenia is almost upon us, and I could not be more excited. Christmas has to be my favorite time of year. Everyone is joyous, the songs are merry, and the food. Oh the food is wonderful. Also, the mass in the church and the celebration of the birth of Jesus is such a beautiful time. In conclusion, I truly enjoyed the traditional Slovenian food that I tried. It was all delicious, and someday I will go to the Slovenian villages to get an even more traditional experience.
In this video, I give you the entire experience of an American Expat Living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. My normal day involves exercise, eating, reading, eating again, work, mass and studying. In this video, I tried to show a little bit of everything. This day in the life video represented a very busy day. I tried to incorporate many of the exciting and unique things that make Ljubljana so exciting and special. As an American living in Ljubljana, I have learned to fall in love with so many things. The food in Slovenia is amazing. The coffee in Slovenia is amazing. The architecture and the pace of life in Slovenia are amazing. Over the last two years that I lived in Dallas, Texas I developed a very nice morning routine that consisted of a heavy workout in the morning followed by work and then library time to study for the CPA exam. In this video, I discuss a little bit of the workout habit I developed in Dallas. It was there that I truly made a shift in my mind. I started becoming more motivated by listening and reading. I consumed a ton of motivational and self-improvement podcasts, speeches and books, and I really became a devout Catholic. In many ways becoming an adult in Dallas was one of the hardest times of my life, but in more ways it has positively shaped my life and lead me here to the beautiful country of Slovenia. Enough about Dallas, lets talk about Slovenia. I started this video with a glimpse of my morning routine. I nice run with a light workout including: dips, pull-ups and leg-raises. It was so nice to run through the old town of Ljubljana. The mornings in the city are very quiet, and most businesses use this time for delivery. Therefore, in the mornings until around 9AM you will see trucks and vehicles in the normally busy sections of the city, but they are just there to deliver goods and supplies to the shops. On my run, I tried to give a glimpse of the main square of the city highlighted by the beautiful Franciscan Church and the famous Ljubljana Castle. After my run, I had my usual Barcaffe coffee to start my day. I shared the entire process of drinking coffee, and I include the difference in how coffee is consumed her versus in America. It is quite different. I continued my morning routine showering, brushing my teeth, combing and blow drying my hair, and dressing for the chilly Slovenian days. The weather has been quite nice here and actually Ljubljana saw its first snowfall of Winter/Fall season last night. I shared a glimpse of my normal breakfast. A nice marmalade croissant from Mlinar my favorite Croatian bakery. It was delicious. Following breakfast I hoped on the bus and went to the University where I had my studies. Of course upon arrival I had my usual cappuccino. After the lectures, I went with a good friend to eat Cevapčiči. It was delicious. I think this is one of my favorite Balkan foods. The entire was delicious, and we had a great conversation as well. After leaving my favorite Cevapčiči restaurant in Slovenia. My friend and I visited the farmer's market in Ljubljana. The market was packed with vendors selling vegetables and fruits. I bout six onions and a handful of Brussel sprouts. This is what I cooked for dinner, and it was delicious. I actually toured a new apartment as well. I am looking for an apartment in Ljubljana that is close to the center, but not very far from the university. This is quite the challenge here as there is a major housing shortage. I have had a wonderful experience thus far in my apartment in Ljubljana. The apartments towards the city center in Ljubljana are very nice, but that does come at a hefty price. After leaving my apartment tour, I went to the park for some quick reading. I think it would be great for a reading vlog. I walked from the park to grocery store to grab some chicken, and then I went to mass at the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation in the Old Town. It was amazing. I try to go to mass everyday at 4PM! It was a wonderful day capped with some chocolate!
This video is all about discovering the hidden gems that Slovenia has to offer. Lake Bled has become quite the tourist attraction in recent years, but what about Lake Jasna. I find it to be absolutely stunning along with the other things I discover as well. This week I ventured into the mountains of Slovenia specifically the Julian Alps (Julijske Alpe). I went to one of the more popular lakes in Slovenia Lake Jasna (Jezero Jasna). I also visited the worlds home to ski jumping Planica and a greenery reserve Zelenci on the way back to Ljubljana. The town we visited in the Northwest corner of Slovenia is called Kranjska Gora. I was there with a business club from the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics called the University Business Club (UBC). The journey to the city took quite the turn as our means of transportation was cancelled due to a flat tire. Instead we went to the city by train. By train Kranjska Gora is only about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes outside of Ljubljana Slovenia's Capital, so if you are staying in Ljubljana you should definitely take some time to escape to the mountains. During the video, you will see that we walked through the quaint town in all of its charm. The prices are a bit steep as you would expect a mountain ski resort town to be, but you pay for what you get. Right? From my talks with Slovenians, Kranjska Gora is home to some of the best skiing in all of Slovenia, so if you are looking for skiing in Slovenia or skiing in the European Alps then Kranjska Gora would be a wonderful destination for you. Just outside of the small town is one of the main attractions of the region called Lake Jasna (Jezero Jasna). This lake is known for its picturesque back drops and clear blue and green water. The lake views and the water clarity were absolutely stunning. I had a hard time trying not to film the same shot of the lake over and over again. Surrounding the lake are cabins, hotels, and restaurants. The main attraction at the lake is a golden statue of a Zlatorog, which is a Ibex or a mountain goat. After leaving Kranjska Gora, we briefly stopped at Planica and Zelenci. Planica is quite interesting as it is the world's headquarters for ski jumping. The ramps were absolutely massive, and I don't understand how anyone could be brave enough to go on a jump like that. However, I guess Slovenians are lol. Anyways, I have lived in Slovenia now for over two months. This was only the second time I have left the city of Ljubljana, but It was awesome. I knew that when I came to Slovenia I would be incredibly happy with the nature side of this country, but every time I have an opportunity to go out of the city I am always awestruck at Slovenia's beauty. I think Slovenia has to be the most beautiful country in the world. It is home to the sea, the mountains, the lakes, and castles. How can this place get any better. I love Ljubljana, and I love SLOVENIA! #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #lake #travel #vlog #nature #sloveniatravel #europetravel
It is the most magical time of the year, Christmas Time. This is the first time I have spent Christmas in Europe. And the European Christmas Markets have not disappointed. Although other cities like Vienna and Prague attract large Christmas Market crowds, there are smaller cities like Ljubljana, Slovenia that have amazing Christmas Markets as well. It is time for Christmas Lights in Slovenia! In this video, I specifically focused on the lighting of the Christmas lights in the city center of Ljubljana. Of the Christmas season, this event is one of the biggest events in Slovenia. I was very thrilled to see the city kick off the Christmas season in such a grand fashion, and I honestly don't think it could have gone better. The Christmas lights in the city center of Ljubljana, Slovenia are breathtaking. However, I believe the side streets circling the city is where the true beauty of the Christmas lights are seen. Since Slovenia is a predominantly Roman Catholic country, the Christmas season is quite a big deal. Therefore, throughout the entire city you will see nativity scenes like the one seen in this video. In the city center there are so many street food vendors. The street food in the city is wonderful. I tried a sausage, and it was wonderful. The European Christmas Markets are so amazing. I am certainly glad that this year I have the opportunity to partake in the Christmas Market of Ljubljana, Slovenia. One day I hope to travel to the Christmas Market in Budapest, the Christmas market in Vienna, and the Christmas Market in Prague. The Christmas Market has street food, traditional food, and traditional desserts. There are also vendors selling Christmas Ornaments and other Christmas Decorations. Around the city, the Christmas lights have several different themes, and are quite beautiful. This is why you should travel to Ljubljana, Slovenia for Christmas. #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #streetfood
This week I traveled to a city in Slovenia you've likely never heard of: Murska Sobata. I went with my friend to stay on Friday night and then on Saturday we drove to Maribor, Slovenia to visit the Christmas Markets. It was my first time visiting Maribor, and it is a beautiful city sitting right on the Drava River. My goal in visiting Maribor was to capture a bit of the country of Slovenia outside of the normally traveled places like Ljubljana and Lake Bled. I have been trying to get into more of the cities that are hidden gems in Slovenia. Therefore, this week I was in Maribor. The Maribor Christmas Market was outstanding. They were selling food, traditional desserts, and my favorite mulled wine. I tried a cinnamon roll there as well as the mulled wine to compare to the wine I had at the Ljubljana Christmas Market and in Kranjska Gora. The cinnamon roll and the wine were delicious. My favorite part of the trip to Maribor was seeing the Basilica of St. Mary. It was absolutely stunning, and it towers over the city like a mother keeping watch. Maribor is the second largest city in Slovenia, but in comparisons it felt extremely small. I think this was mainly due to the fact that very few people were in the center. It seemed that the entire city had swarmed the mall. I guess everyone was buying last minute Christmas Gifts. The fascinating thing I saw in Maribor was the oldest grapevine in the world. It was 400 years old. This grapevine is a quite popular supplier of extraordinary wine. The grapevine spanned the entire length of the building, and it was fed by the Drava River. Join this channel to get access to perks: MEMBERSHIP IS HERE / @lifewithaaronarnold #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #chillguy #vlog #travelvlog #christmas #christmasmarket #travel #europe #europetravel
This week I stayed in Ljubljana, Slovenia the nations capital. Last week, I spent some time in the center of the city observing the lighting of the Christmas lights for Ljubljana, but this week I decided that I wanted to experience the Street Food of Ljubljana's Christmas Market. The Street Food of Ljubljana's Christmas Market was delicious. I tried a few varieties of street food including the traditional Slovenian food Ričet, Miška, vroča čokolada and a few more items. Since the Christmas markets started to ramp up in the city of Ljubljana I overlooked a lot of the amazing food that the Christmas Market has to offer. The Street Food of Slovenia in general is terrific, but at the Christmas Market's the street food was even better. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from the Christmas Market. It is my first year experiencing a European Christmas Market, and this Christmas Market is definitely on a different scale than the Christmas markets of Prague, Budapest and Vienna. This time of year the Vienna Christmas Market is full of people. It is so busy you can barely walk. However, there is a reason so many visitors travel from far and wide to visit these Christmas markets. The Christmas atmosphere surrounding the Christmas Markets is absolutely amazing. There is musicians playing Christmas songs, children dancing and laughing, families enjoying strolls through the city, and a palpable love in the air. Walking down the streets of Ljubljana's main center I am reminded how special this time of year is. Christmas time is so special and to observe such an amazing Christmas Market is absolutely awesome. This week I am traveling to Maribor to observe the Christmas Market of Maribor, Slovenia. This will be my first time in Maribor, and I am very excited to experience the city for the first time. I believe that this city is one of the most underrated in Slovenia, and most tourists don't even realize that such a beautiful city exists. It's hard to compare to the Budapest Christmas Market, the Vienna Christmas Market or the Prague Christmas Market, but the Christmas Market of Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, is often taken for granted. I actually believe it is the best hidden gem of the all the Christmas markets in Europe. Next year, I hope to explore more the Christmas Markets that Slovenia and the rest of Europe has to offer. I know there are so many amazing markets spread across Europe, and I do hope by the end of my days I can visit them all. Through my Travel Vlog, Reading Vlog, Educational Vlog, Study Vlog, Weekly Vlog, Motivating Vlog and so many other descriptions I hope to capture in my Vlogs, I hope I can inspire you to travel and see the world. It is crazy to think about all of the cultures and different types of people that the world has. Most people spend only a small percent of their life exploring, which is okay for them. I, however, want to see the world. If you have read this far please follow along. I hope to capture the most amazing moments of my life through this platform. Thank you so much for your support! It's a Wonderful Life! Join this channel to get access to perks: MEMBERSHIP IS HERE / @lifewithaaronarnold #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #streetfood #streetfoodeurope #christmas #christmasmarket #travel #vlog #travelvlog #foodvlog #bestchristmasmarketsineurope #christmasmarkets
In this Video, I wanted to break down my perception and understanding of the Slovenian people after living in Ljubljana, Slovenia for three months. I have been blessed with such awesome experiences so far eating traditional Slovenian food, listening to traditional Slovenian music, driving through the beautiful Slovenian nature, visiting Krajnska Gora, Lake Jasna, Šmarna Gora, Postojnska Jama, Predjama Castle, Maribor, and so many other places. I have lived the daily life of the Slovenians, and I have truly fallen in love in the city. Here I break down the 5 shocking things that I have learned about the Slovenes: 1) Their perception about Slovenia 2) Their enjoyment of their language 3) Their protection of their culture 4) Their love for the natural side of Slovenia 5) Their kindness My time in Ljubljana, Slovenia has been nothing short of amazing. I moved 5,000 miles away from my home in search of a brighter future, a simpler way of life, and so many other reasons (I'm sure if your reading this you know why lol ;) ). Living in Slovenia as an American expat, I have experienced life in a new light. The expat life is amazing. During my time in Slovenia, I have been able to experience almost all things Ljubljana. I have hiked to Ljubljana Castle numerous times. I have spent days worth of time in Prešeren Square, and I have found a grocery store I love. I have found many restaurants that I truly enjoy, and I have been able to observe the way of life of the Slovenian people. I know that the description and image that I created about Slovenian people does not hold for everyone, but nonetheless it has been a common truth that I have observed among many of my peers and others throughout the city. In terms of nature, I have been able to drive through the winding hill country of Slovenia. I have seen many cities and villages throughout Slovenia that my once adolescent self couldn't possible imagine visiting. I have hike Šmarna Gora, and I have seen Baby Dragons. When I was a child, I loved all things geology and artifacts. I was obsessed with mining gemstones, gold and crystals. There wasn't many things that could have brought me more join than finding a sharks tooth at the beach or an arrowhead in the forrest. I was encapsulated by the ancient world of the Earth, and I wanted to find dinosaur fossils. I wanted to connect the present day with the days of old. I wanted to be the one who found the lost civilization, or simply the arrow that a young shot to take down his first animal. I was enthralled with the things of old and the ways of creatures and humans that came before us. Well, this journey I have been on in Slovenia has been no different. Every store, bridge, castle, and church is filled with an ancient history. A history secret to most but at one time held so tightly at the forefront of an individuals mind. Living in Slovenia and experiencing a completely new way of life, I have started to feel that same spark that I felt as a child. As I stand on the ramparts of the castle and imagine every stone being laid, I envision the past. As I lookout from the hill and mountain tops at God's beautiful creation of mountains, rivers, and lakes, I am reminded what a special life I have been able to live, and how rare my opportunity to move across the world truly is. As one of my favorite quotes from my favorite movie (Goodwill Hunting) says, "I don't know much, but I know that." It's hard to explain how grateful I am for my Youtube community. When I started this journey in September when I moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia I was truly hoping just to share my Slovenian experience with a small audience: my friends and my family. Although somewhere in my mind, I knew sharing my unique experience could be quite interesting to individuals I never envisioned capturing a Slovenian audience that has showered me with love and support. Join this channel to get access to perks: MEMBERSHIP IS HERE / @lifewithaaronarnold #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #centraleurope #Europe #chillguy #vlog #travelvlog #slovenianfood #americanexpat #Slovenianculture #alps #expat #livingabroad #studyabroad #weeklyvlog #europevlog
For the past three months I have been living in Ljubljana, Slovenia as an American Expat. I came to Ljubljana, Slovenia as a study abroad study. left Ljubljana, Slovenia on December the 21st, 2024 to travel back to my home in Macon, Georgia, USA for Christmas and New Years. This video recounts my entire journey, and I finally reveal my hometown. This video is really just a realistic glimpse into how I was raised, and I try to highlight many of the unique foods and cultural differences that make my hometown Macon, Georgia so special. Throughout my two weeks at home, I got to do and see everything. I was able to visit all of my grandparents, spend time my beautiful nieces, run around and cuddle with my adorable dog Layla, and spend a lot of quality time with my parents. On my trip, I ate all of the delicious food that Macon, Georgia has to offer. I visited my favorite restaurants including: Ingleside Village Pizza, The Rookery, Ocmulgee Brewpub, Sid's Sandwich Shop, Fresh Air BBQ, and Cracker Barrel. Macon, Georgia my home is loaded with amazing food and amazing people. In the past few years, the city has put a lot of money into the downtown area, and this had lead to a major improvement in the historic city center. If you visit Macon, Georgia, the heart of middle Georgia, you will undoubtedly find the true gym of the South. I spent the first 18 years of my life in Macon and every time I return I always miss it for many reasons. In Macon, I wanted to give you a better understanding of how I was raised. I tried to give you a glimpse of my church, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, many of the restaurants I love, and the food my family always ate when I was growing up. Honestly, there wasn't a better way to portray my home town than the way it was during my travel home for the holidays. During the Holidays, my family spends a lot of time together, and we always enjoy southern home cooked meals. Growing up, my favorite was always the Catfish. I believe my grandma makes the best catfish. Her recipe is amazing. Moving from Macon, Georgia / Dallas, Texas to Ljubljana, Slovenia was quite the adjustment for me at first. I really had to learn the stores, and discover a bit of the language that I didn't know but overall the transition was very easy. It definitely helped that I had lived away from home for 6 years prior to my move. However, living in Slovenia has been my first experience living abroad as an American Expat. Slovenia has been absolutely amazing. Join this channel to get access to perks: MEMBERSHIP IS HERE / @lifewithaaronarnold #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #chillguy #vlog #travelvlog
Yes, you read that title correctly. I visited my hometown for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year's Holiday. While there I enjoyed all of my favorite foods, but I did indulge. I gained 10 pounds or 5 kg in two weeks when I visited the United States of America. I moved from Dallas, Texas to Ljubljana, Slovenia on September 25th, 2024. From that date until I returned home, I was down 15 pounds or 7 kg. No I wasn't overweight and out of shape when I moved, and I even was eating healthier so I thought in the States before I moved. However, by just living in Slovenia for three months I was able to shed a lot of the fat I had been trying to shed for years. During this time, I didn't even go to the gym due to a legal issue. I did a minimal amount of pushes averaging probably 10 a day over a 3 month span, and I ran maybe 15 times total. I did walk a lot more. I mean a lotttttttt more than I was in the US. I think this has to with the lifestyle. In the US, I spent a lot of my day driving in the car and once I moved to Europe that nearly stopped outside of a handful of trips. During my first three months in Slovenia, I definitely tried more foods than I normally would eat. I was trying sweets and just eating a lot, probably too much. However, even eating out all of the time and indulging in too much food I managed to lose a lot of weight, which is quite interesting. Nonetheless, I did enjoy my time in the US with my family, but I was excited to return to Ljubljana, Slovenia for a number of reasons. [ :) ] One of the restaurants I went to was called the Rookery. It is home to a burger called the Jimmy Carter. This burger is name accordingly, because Jimmy Carter, the only US president from Georgia, was from a small town called Plains, Georgia. This city in Georgia was known for it's peanut butter, and Jimmy Carter specifically loved peanut butter. Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter passed away at the age of 100 shortly before the video was made. Jimmy Carter lived quite a long and remarkable life. Anyways, all throughout the state of Georgia you will find menu items that include peanut butter that normally wouldn't as a tribute to president Jimmy Carter. My time in Slovenia has been marked by so many amazing things. One of the best aspects of my time here has to be the food. I had tried so much amazing food. I have released a video talked about the traditional Slovenian food, and I have shown a bit of the other foods I have enjoyed. The food scene in Ljubljana, Slovenia is a bit of a hodgepodge. Due to the size of the country, Slovenia has cuisine influence from around the world, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. My video next week surrounds a trip to Sevnica, Slovenia. Sevnica is the home to the former First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump the wife of 45th President Donald Trump and soon to be the 47th President of the United States. In Sevnica, we tried the famous Melania cake that was made in an elegant fashion to pay tribute to the first lady. To my surprise it wasn't just a tourist trap as it actually was very tasty. Sevnica was a nice quite place, and I really enjoyed my time there. I am so glad I was able to see where the First Lady Melania Trump was born and raised as it adds this element of understanding of her childhood.
I visited Sevnica, Slovenia the hometown of former and newly reclaimed First Lady of the United States. The First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, was born in Novo Mesto, Slovenia in 1970. Melania Trump grew up in a small Slovenian town called Sevnica. Sevnica has quite a remarkable history, and this town of 5,000 inhabitants is quiet and charming. Melania Trump, the wife of Donald Trump the 45th President and the soon to be 47th President of the United States, was born and raised in Slovenia. As an American who has moved to Slovenia, it was very interesting to me to visit the hometown of the FLOTUS of the United States. With the 2025 Presidential Inauguration happening on Monday, January 20th, 2025, I thought there was no better time to dive into some of the history and the scenery surrounding the First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump. Melania and Donald Trump's son, Barron Trump, also speaks Slovenian. He was taught Slovenian by his mother, Melania Trump. Barron has become a silent hero of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and Barron Trump played a major role in assisting his father, Donald Trump, in securing important podcast interviews with the NELK BOYS and Joe Rogan just before the 2024 presidential election. Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election over Kamala Harris in what analyst call a landslide victory. Donald Trump won every major swing state in the United States, and Donald Trump once again earned his way into the presidential position and the highest commanding position in the world, the President of the United States of America. On the trip to Sevnica, Slovenia to see the hometown of Melania Trump. I rented a car from the company Avant2go. The car was very nice, and it was my first time driving an electric car. The car worked wonderfully. It included bluetooth, navigation, and the speakers were excellent. On the way, we passed through many small villages in Slovenian, and we were able to experience the beauty of the Slovenian countryside. I really enjoy going out into the nature that makes Slovenia so special. In the future, I want to stop in these small villages and enjoy the traditional Slovenian food and the dishes that are unique to each region of this small country. It really was a surreal experience visiting a town that isn't well known. I feel almost obliged that I should connect the United States to Slovenia, and what better was than to see the home of the First Lady of the United States. After visiting this small town, it is so interesting to see the humble begins that Melania had in her life. During her childhood, Slovenia was actually a part of Yugoslavia since the country of Slovenia wasn't officially established until the year 1991. Welcome to Sevnica, Slovenia, the hometown of Melania Trump, wife of former President Donald Trump and First Lady of the United States. This picturesque town in Slovenia is a hidden gem, with its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Sevnica, Slovenia, is not only known for its natural beauty but also for its connection to the Trump family. As the world prepares for the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States, Sevnica, Slovenia, has gained even more attention as the birthplace of Melania Trump. In this video, we explore Sevnica, Slovenia, and its historic ties to the Trump family. From Melania Trump’s early life in Sevnica to the global spotlight on Donald Trump, the influence of the Trump name is undeniable in this Slovenian town. Join us as we dive into the fascinating story of Sevnica, Slovenia, and its connection to Donald Trump and Melania Trump.
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Cultural Differences Between the US and Slovenia | Life in Ljubljana, Slovenia In this video, I share my experience of moving from the United States to Slovenia and the cultural differences I’ve encountered in the past few months. From Ljubljana, Slovenia’s beautiful capital, to everyday life, I’ve learned a lot about how life here differs from what I knew back home. If you're curious about living in Slovenia, especially in Ljubljana, or want to explore the cultural contrasts between Slovenia and the US, this video is for you. I’ll cover key aspects like food, coffee culture, transportation, and the laid-back lifestyle that make life in Slovenia unique. Here are 9 major cultural differences I’ve experienced since moving to Slovenia: 1 Carrying Cash in Slovenia vs. the US In Slovenia, cash is still widely used, even for smaller purchases. In the US, credit cards and mobile payments are common. I also noticed the differences in Euro bills versus USD, and I saw how businesses handle deliveries when they close for the day—something that would never happen in the US. 2 Driving and Public Transportation In Ljubljana, you don’t need a car! The public transportation system is affordable, and it’s easy to bike or walk around the city. I was surprised to see young kids (10-12 years old) taking the bus alone, which would be unthinkable in the US due to safety concerns. 3 Shops Closed on Sundays In Slovenia, many shops and grocery stores close on Sundays, which is a big change from the US, where stores are usually open every day. I quickly learned to plan ahead for my weekend shopping. 4 Defending Slovenian Culture Slovenia has a strong sense of pride in its culture and heritage. In the US, there’s more focus on celebrating cultural diversity, but here in Slovenia, there’s a deep appreciation for preserving Slovenian language, traditions, and identity. 5 Coffee Culture in Slovenia vs. the US In the US, coffee is often a grab-and-go experience. But in Slovenia, coffee culture is more social. You sit at a café and enjoy your coffee, often with friends, taking your time. It’s a more relaxed and intentional experience than the US's fast-paced coffee culture. 6 Slovenia: The Friendliest Country for Students Slovenia is incredibly student-friendly. Students get vouchers that make dining out much more affordable, unlike in the US, where students typically pay full prices. Slovenia’s approach makes life easier for students, and it’s one of the many ways the country values education. 7 Laid-Back Lifestyle in Slovenia Slovenians have a much more relaxed attitude toward life. I’ve had several experiences, like when I was told to come back in 20 minutes for a passport photo, or when the residency office told me to come back after a couple of hours. In the US, things tend to be more rushed and time-sensitive. 8 Food Quality in Slovenia The quality of food in Slovenia is amazing. Even fast food places like McDonald’s use fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Slovenian meals, whether home-cooked or in restaurants, focus on fresh produce and local meats, which makes a big difference in taste compared to what I was used to in the US. 9 Less Outgoing, More Respectful People in Slovenia are more reserved compared to the US. In the US, it’s common to see people more outgoing in public spaces, but in Slovenia, there’s more respect for personal space and privacy. Plus, due to GDPR laws in the EU, filming people in public is rare unless it’s at an event. This video offers insights into life in Ljubljana and Slovenia, and how the Slovenian lifestyle differs from the American way of life. If you’re planning to visit Slovenia or move here, this video will help you understand the cultural differences and everyday life. Subscribe for more videos about life in Slovenia, Ljubljana, and traveling around this beautiful country. If you're Slovenian or have lived here, I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Let’s talk about the unique culture of Slovenia! #Slovenia #Ljubljana #CulturalDifferences #LifeInSlovenia #SlovenianCulture #StudentLife #CoffeeCulture #FoodInSlovenia #PublicTransportation #LivingInSlovenia #Slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #chillguy #vlog #travelvlog #AaroninSlovenia #lifewithaaronarnold #culture #cultureshock
Why I Moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia – My Journey as an American Expat I left the U.S. for Slovenia to embrace a life that felt more authentic and fulfilling. After visiting Prague and Copenhagen, I fell in love with European culture and knew Ljubljana, Slovenia, was where I wanted to be. In Dallas, I felt disconnected and unfulfilled, but Ljubljana offered a more affordable, traditional lifestyle. The city’s blend of Slovenian culture, rich history, and family values drew me in. Ljubljana’s vibrant cafe culture, stunning landscapes, and Catholic roots made it the perfect place to start over. Slovenia offered everything I was looking for – a fresh start with a strong Slovenian identity. In 2017, after visiting Copenhagen and Prague, I fell in love with Europe. Returning to Dallas, I couldn’t shake the thought: I will move to Europe. I worked as an accountant, but life felt unfulfilled, and I realized I didn’t want to spend my life wondering, What if? So, I made the leap and chose to move to Ljubljana, Slovenia. Here’s why: 1. I Wanted More Out of Life Living in Dallas, I felt stuck. I wanted a change — a life with deeper meaning. Europe offered that, and after months of thinking about it, I decided to move and pursue a new lifestyle. 2. I Wanted a Smaller, More Intimate City When I told people I was moving to Ljubljana, they asked, Where is that? Unlike huge cities like Budapest, Ljubljana is just the right size — not too big, not too small. With a population of around 300,000, it’s a perfect place to feel connected to the community. 3. I Wanted a Less Touristy, Hidden Gem While Ljubljana is becoming more popular, it still feels like a hidden gem compared to other European capitals. The city preserves its culture, and I wanted to experience Slovenia in a more authentic, less touristy way. 4. I Wanted a More Affordable City Coming from Dallas, I needed a more affordable lifestyle. Ljubljana’s cost of living is about half of what it would be in a city like Dallas. Rent, food, and entertainment are all much cheaper, making it easier to enjoy life here. 5. I Wanted a Catholic Country As a Catholic, I wanted to live in a place where faith was an important part of life. Slovenia’s predominantly Catholic population means beautiful churches and religious traditions are woven into daily life. Ljubljana’s peaceful, spiritual atmosphere has been a perfect fit for my faith. 6. I Wanted a Vibrant Cafe Culture Ljubljana is known for its thriving cafe culture. The city is lined with cafes along the Ljubljanica River where people take their time to sip coffee, chat, and enjoy life. It’s a slower pace that I truly appreciate after the fast-paced life in Dallas. 7. I Wanted a Traditional Environment Slovenia is deeply rooted in family values and tradition. The sense of community is strong, and Ljubljana’s parks are full of families enjoying time together. This emphasis on family and tradition was something I was craving after living in the U.S. for so long. 8. I Loved the Location Slovenia’s central location in Europe makes it easy to explore. In just a few hours, I can visit cities like Vienna, Venice, and Budapest. Traveling across Europe has been a huge perk of living in Ljubljana. 9. I Loved the Topography Slovenia’s natural beauty is incredible. From the Alps to the Adriatic Sea, the country offers mountains, lakes, caves, and coastlines. As someone who loves nature, Slovenia’s variety of landscapes has been one of my favorite things about living here. 10. I Wanted to Experience a Strong Culture Slovenes are incredibly proud of their culture, and it’s evident everywhere — from folk music to local cuisine. Slovenia’s culture is well-preserved and distinct. Living in Ljubljana has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. The city offers an affordable, traditional lifestyle, and the natural beauty is unmatched. Whether you're an American expat in Slovenia or just curious about life here, Ljubljana provides a unique experience that blends culture, history, and a slower pace of life. #slovenia #Ljubljana #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #chillguy #vlog #travelvlog #slovenianfood #slovenianculture #slovenian #lifeineurope #lifeinslovenia
In September 2024, I made one of the biggest moves of my life—I relocated to Ljubljana, Slovenia. As an American expat living in Europe, I had no idea what to expect, but this experience has been nothing short of incredible. From making new friends and navigating cultural differences to exploring some of the most beautiful places in Slovenia, this video is all about my journey so far. If you’ve ever thought about living in Slovenia as an American, studying abroad, or just visiting, this is the video for you! 📍 Why Ljubljana, Slovenia?I first visited Europe in 2017 and instantly knew I wanted to live here one day. Fast forward to Fall 2023—I traveled to Belgrade, Vienna, Budapest, Zagreb, and Ljubljana. It was in Ljubljana that I truly fell in love. The charm, the people, and the culture drew me in, and I made the decision to move here. On September 25, 2024, that dream became a reality. 💡 Challenges of Moving to SloveniaMoving to a new country is never easy, and relocating to Slovenia as an American presented its own set of challenges: ✅ Making friends in a new culture✅ Learning the Slovene language✅ Adjusting to the lifestyle and customs✅ Understanding public transport, food, and day-to-day lifeI had only watched a few YouTube videos on Ljubljana before moving, so I was diving into the unknown! 🗓️ My First Few Weeks in LjubljanaStarting my courses at the University of Ljubljana, I quickly realized that making friends wouldn’t be as easy as I expected. Unlike my undergrad experience in the United States, students already had their established friend groups. Luckily, I connected with Erasmus students from across Europe, including two German friends who I still keep in touch with today. By the third week, I started to form friendships with Slovenian students, attending events at Ekonomska Fakulteta and even going on a trip to Kranjska Gora. ✨ When Everything ChangedBy the third week, I felt like I was truly settling in. I had built a strong social circle, explored more of Slovenia, and even began to feel at home in Ljubljana. Some of the amazing places I visited include:🏰 Predjama Castle🌿 Postojna Cave🏔️ Kranjska Gora🏡 Sevnica, Murska Sobota, MariborI also finally figured out Ljubljana’s bus system, found my favorite restaurants and cafes, and spent countless hours walking through Tivoli Park, my favorite spot in the city. 📈 My Journey as a Content Creator in SloveniaAs I documented my experiences on YouTube, I was overwhelmed by the incredible support from the Slovenian community and beyond. My first viral video—a recap of my first month in Slovenia—reached 60,000 views! Even one of the local Slovenian newspapers wrote about my journey, which was surreal. The kindness and encouragement I’ve received have been unbelievable. 🌍 My Favorite Moments Living in SloveniaSome of my absolute favorite experiences so far:❤️ Exploring Kranjska Gora🏞️ Visiting Sevnica🍷 Discovering Maribor, Slovenia’s wine capital 🤔 Would I Recommend Moving to Slovenia?Absolutely! While I had no expectations before coming here, I’ve come to appreciate the Slovenian way of life, the culture, and the amazing people I’ve met along the way. Taking this leap of faith has been one of the best decisions of my life. In September 2024, I moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia as an American expat, fulfilling a long-time dream of living in Europe. Adjusting to life here came with challenges—making friends, learning Slovene, and adapting to the local culture—but I quickly found my place. Over time, I explored stunning locations like Kranjska Gora, Predjama Castle, Postojna Cave, Sevnica, and Maribor. I’ve grown to appreciate Slovenia’s relaxed pace, beautiful landscapes, and welcoming people. Moving here with an open mind has made the experience even more rewarding, and I highly recommend Slovenia to anyone considering life in a new country. #Ljubljana #Slovenia #AmericanInEurope #ExpatLife #LivingInSlovenia #MovingToSlovenia #TravelSlovenia #StudyAbroad #EuropeVlog #LifeInLjubljana #ljubljana #slovenianfood #American #expatlife #centraleurope #Europe #chillguy #vlog #travelvlog
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